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Boost our trampolining sessions with the Bracknell Recycling Incentive Fund
FundraisingAutism Berkshire’s trampolining sessions for autistic children & teenagers at Bracknell Trampoline Centre are one of three good causes that will receive a share of Bracknell Forest Council’s £1,000 recycling incentive scheme donation fund over the next three months. Households in the council area can sign up for the recycling incentive scheme and receive 200
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Autistic adults invited to have say at health consultation events
EventThanks to a grant from the Frimley NHS Integrated Care System, Autism Berkshire is holding a series of three engagement and consultation events about health services for autistic adults living in East Berkshire in the next few weeks. The aim is to gain a greater understanding of how autistic adults who live in the Bracknell
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Free advice workshops for autistic adults take place in evening
WorkshopsAutistic adults can now register for free places at four online autism advice workshops from the Berkshire Adult Autism Support Service taking place on Tuesdays evenings in February and March. The service’s workshops offer information about aspects of autism and tips and strategies to help participants to navigate daily life and social situations, improve their
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