A BBC News report has looked into the issue of diagnosis of autism spectrum conditions in women and girls.
The report features teenager Millie, who was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome aged 12, and Emily, who was not diagnosed with autism until her late 20s.
The National Autistic Society said there was a need for more training for medical professionals about the prevalence of autism among women and girls.
Click here to watch the BBC report.
- Autism Berkshire and AutAngel, which is run by and for autistic people, are providing a peer support group for autistic women as part of a programme of support activities for autistic adults living in Reading, including a 10-week post-diagnosis/post-identification training course, starting in September. The first meeting of the women’s support group is on Wednesday, September 7, from 10am to noon, at Autism Berkshire’s offices.
Click here for more information about the support programme and details of how to register.