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Attend Autism Berkshire’s 2016 Annual General Meeting

Autism Berkshire members are invited to attend our 2016 annual general meeting, which will take place on Friday, December 2, in Reading.

The AGM of the Berkshire Autistic Society (Autism Berkshire is our working name), which will run from 10am to noon at St Laurence Church, in Friar Street, next to the Town Hall, will be asked to pass a special resolution updating our articles of association.

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Minutes of the 2015 AGM
  4. Chair’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Special Resolution
  7. Any Other Business
  8. Roundtable discussion on what members would like the charity to provide from April 2017 onwards.
  9. Heritage Project Presentation Autism in Berkshire: Past and Present

The Special Resolution the meeting will be asked to vote on is:

“That the existing Articles of Association of the registered charity shall be replaced and substituted with the new Articles of Association, based on the 2012 Charity Commission Model articles, in their entirety.”

Click here to read the Articles of Association

The articles were changed last year for Companies House and the Charity Commission has requested that we now pass a Special Resolution to change the articles for the charity registration.

The new articles are based on the Charity Commission’s Model Articles from 2012, following the Charities Act 2011. The main changes are: re-introduction of AGMs, to be held within 15 months of the previous AGM, Trustees’/Directors’ terms of office to be limited to 3 years unless re-elected, quorum to increase to 10 (from 2 previously) for general meetings. Members’ liability remains at £1.

Members who cannot attend the meeting can vote by completing and returning a proxy voting form to the Autism Berkshire office by 4pm on Thursday, December 1.

Click here to download a proxy voting form.

The roundtable discussion will allow members to have their say about our existing services, any changes they would like to see and to suggest ideas for new support and advice services that they would like to see provided from April next year.

There will also be a presentation about our 25th anniversary heritage project, Autism in Berkshire: Past and Present, tracing the development of autism understanding in the county since Victorian times. An exhibition developed as part of the project will be on display at the meeting.

If you plan to attend the AGM, please register in advance using the form below. This will help us with arrangements for refreshments.