Parents and carers living in the Berkshire whose children are on or have recently been on the Berkshire Healthcare Foundation NHS Trust’s ADHD Assessment Waiting List are being asked to take part in a survey on waiting times.
Berkshire Healthcare Foundation NHS Trust said recently that the wait for an appointment was down to just six weeks but a number of organisations and parents have questioned this.
The survey is being run by Catherine Greaves, the parent and carer representative on the Berkshire West NHS Clinical Commissioning Board for Children’s and Mental Health services (including CAMHS), to try to find out how long families have been waiting for appointments.
Parents and carers with children who are currently on, or have been on the Berkshire CAMHS ADHD Waiting List in the past six months, are being asked to complete a simple online questionnaire, which only takes about a minute to fill in.
Click here to complete the questionnaire.
The deadline for responses is next Tuesday, November 29.
Anyone who would like more information about the survey or has any other information they would like to pass to Catherine Greaves can call her on 07825 925820 or email