Steph and Nathan step out on fundraising walk to support our Bracknell Adult Social Group

Steph Guest and Nathan Ross, who are members of our Bracknell Adult Social Group, completed an eight-mile sponsored walk on Sunday to raise funds for the group.

So far they have collected £145 in sponsorship and donations towards a £170 target they set themselves.

Donations can still be made online at Steph’s Justgiving page.

Their route took then from the group’s regular venue, the Willows and Maples Children’s Centre, in Priestwood Court Road, to Bracknell’s South Hill Park and back, with Steph and Nathan both taking more than 18,000 steps along the way.

The Bracknell Adult Social Group, a club for autistic adults living in the Bracknell Forest area, meets every Monday evening from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at the children’s centre.

Click here for more information about the group – scroll down to Activities for Adults.