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New workshops focus on safeguarding autistic girls

Autism Berkshire is delighted to announce a series of new workshops about safeguarding autistic girls, led by Berkshire-based autism advocate Carly Jones.

The workshops, for autistic girls living in Berkshire, their parents and carers and professionals who work with them, will draw on material from Carly’s autistic girls-specific online safeguarding course called Boundaries, Bodies, Abuse and Reporting it for Autistic Girls.

Carly, pictured right, was diagnosed with autism as an adult, after two of her three daughters were diagnosed as autistic when they were young children. 

The workshops will look at the differences needed in explaining boundaries to autistic girls, why boundaries may be harder to recognise and how to recognise and report abuse, should it occur, in a timely and healthy way.

We are offering two workshops:

  • For mothers and daughters, on Monday, December 18
  • For professionals, on a date to be arranged in February 2018

This month’s workshop for mothers & daughters will be held at the Autism Berkshire office in Richfield Place, off Richfield Avenue in Reading.

It will run from 4.15pm to 6.30pm, with refreshments available from 4.15pm and the workshop staring at 4.30pm. Joint tickets for a mother and daughter cost £20.

Click here to book places at this workshop, or call the Autism Berkshire office on 01189 594 594.

The workshop for professionals in February 2018 will take place at RISC (Reading International Solidarity Centre), in London Street, on a date to be arranged. Any professionals who would like to express an interest in attending this workshop should email Autism Berkshire’s administrator, Claire Finnerty, at or call her on 01189 594 594.

  • Click here for details of Carly Jones’s online safeguarding course for autistic girls.

Click here for details of Autism Berkshire’s full range of training workshops for parents and carers.