Kay Syed, from Slough, set herself a fundraising mission to help Autism Berkshire during Autism Awareness Week at the end of March, aiming to raise £100 – and ended up collecting more than £1,400.
She decided to do something to thank us for our support after her four-year-old daughter Zahra, pictured above with Kay, received an autism diagnosis last year.
The family enjoy attending our Autism Berkshire members’ Family Fun Days at Thames Valley Adventure Playground and Kay has also benefited from our Slough Support Group for parents and carers and our advice services.
Kay, who works for mobile phone film EE at BT’s central London offices, organised a bake sale at work on Wednesday, March 28, with the help of two colleagues – which raised £175 – and set up a Virgin Money Giving link and asked her friends and family to support her fundraising efforts.
She was delighted when more than £1,200 was donated, taking the total she collected to £1,417.
Kay said: “For Autism Awareness Week this year I wanted to do something to help get the word out and to improve Zahra’s future, so she was my motivation for wanting to do something.
“I attend the support group for parents in Slough and the Wednesday drop-in advice sessions at the YES Shop run by Clare Johnson-Alem.
“They are really helpful as a parent, in terms of knowing you’re not alone. You get suggestions from other parents, a chance to vent about things that family and friends don’t get, and pep talks – things happen, but it’s going to be okay.
“And Zahra loves the family fun days. Having her outdoors and being able to do what she wants without having to worry about what other people are going to think is really good.
“I’m really glad I did it and it’s great to give something back for all that you do for us.”
- Click here to find out how you can help to raise money for Autism Berkshire, or contact our community fundraising officer, Sarah Brown, on 01189 594 594, or email communityfundraising@autismberkshire.org.uk