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SocialEyes course in Reading switches to evening sessions

To make it easier for autistic adults living in Reading to benefit from our next free SocialEyes course, we are changing the time of the sessions from afternoons to evenings.

They will now take place from 7pm to 9pm at the New Directions South Reading Centre, at 330 Northumberland Avenue.

The course starts on Tuesday, October 9, and runs until Tuesday, November 20. There will not be a session on Tuesday, October 23, due to the half-term holiday.

Led by experienced trainers  from Autism Berkshire, the six-week course is free of charge and  open to autistic adults aged 18  and above who are residents of  the Reading Borough Council  area.

SocialEyes course was developed by the National Autistic Society  in conjunction with autistic adults  and leading professionals. It focuses on eight social skills that people on the autism spectrum can have difficulty with, including starting and ending a conversation, body language and facial expressions, eye contact and personal space.

Click here for more details of the course and to register for free places.