Autism Berkshire’s 2018 AGM will be held at 7pm on Monday, November 26, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel at Caversham Bridge in Reading.
A highlight of the event will be a talk by autistic speaker and trainer Richard Maguire, pictured above, which will also be open to people who are not Autism Berkshire members.
The formal business of the annual meeting, including the election of trustees, will look back at our work during the 2017-18 financial year and look ahead.
Autism Berkshire members will also have the opportunity to put questions to senior staff and trustees about our services and financial position.
Richard Maguire’s talk will follow the formal business of the meeting and he will also answer questions from the audience.
He will talk about his role as a job coach, supporting autistic people into employment and beyond.
Richard, who lives in Buckinghamshire, was diagnosed as autistic when he was an adult. He had more than 30 years’ experience in social work before becoming a trainer and is known for taking a positive and practical approach to life on the spectrum.
Click here for more information about Richard and his work.
Autism Berkshire members attending the AGM will be able to hear Richard’s presentation free of charge.
Details of how members can register for free places is included in our Early November email newsletter.
As the presentation will follow the formal business part of the AGM, at about 7.30pm, we are pleased to be able to invite people who are not Autism Berkshire members to hear Richard speak.
Tickets for non-members are priced £5 (plus a 92p booking fee).
Click here to book places for the talk.