Supporting you and your family through the summer

Autism Berkshire’s advice and support services for autistic people and their families will still be available during the July and August summer holiday period.

Our Helpline service will be available to provide advice about autism and related matters, including challenging behaviour, food refusal and sleep, and signposting to specialist support services for issues including education and schools.

We will also be offering Virtual Home Visits, by video link, to provide in-depth advice on a one-to-one basis.

The Benefits Service will still be available for autistic people living in Berkshire and their parents and carers by email, phone and video link, along with some free online Understanding Your Benefits Rights workshops.

We have been running Online Autism Advice Workshops for parents and carers of autistic children and young people by video link since April about topics including Meeting Sensory Needs, Emotional Self-Regulation, Managing Anger and a brand-new one looking at Food Refusal in Autistic Children. These will be taking a break over the summer holiday period, but we may run an occasional session if there is sufficient interest in a particular topic from parents and carers.

Click here for more information about all our services over the summer and details of how to get in touch with us and request help from our family support workers and benefits advisers.