Reading Carers’ Card offers a helping hand

Many people are family carers and support someone who relies on them to do their shopping, or collect prescriptions and other essential items.

They may not identify themself as a carer, because they are firstly a parent, a wife, husband, daughter, son, grandchild, friend or neighbour.

To help family carers who live in the Reading area during the coronavirus pandemic, Reading Mencap has developed the Reading Carers’ Card, with the support of Reading Borough Council.

It is available free of charge to all family carers who live in the borough and will identify you as a family carer, in order to help shorten the time that you might have to spend queueing at a shop, at a pharmacy or for a medical appointment.

Autism Berkshire is one of a number of voluntary sector organisations that have agreed to issue the card to carers they support.

Click here for some more information about the Reading Carers’ Card and to complete our registration form.

Our family support team will process the application and post your card to you.

  • Please note that you must be a family carer who is supported by Autism Berkshire for us to issue you with a Reading Carers’ Card.
    Watch this video to find out more about the card from Charlie Macdonald, of Reading Mencap.