Have say about Reading’s draft Autism Strategy

Reading Borough Council has published its draft Autism Strategy for 2022-26 and is asking people living in the town to have their say about the proposals.

The strategy is available for download online in standard and easy-read formats, along with a Local Profile and Needs Analysis document.

Borough residents can comment on the strategy in an online survey which is open until Sunday, September 18.

The Needs Assessment has identified seven key priority areas which aim to improve outcomes for autistic people in Reading:

  • Improving awareness, understanding and acceptance of autism
  • Improving support and access to early years, education and supporting positive transitions and preparing for adulthood
  • Supporting more autistic people into vocational training and employment
  • Better lives: tackling health and care inequalities for autistic people and building the right support in the community, and supporting people in inpatient care
  • Housing and Independent Living
  • Keeping safe and the Criminal Justice System
  • Improving support for families and carers

Autism Berkshire has been supporting the development of the draft strategy and hosted an online consultation event in June for parents and carers of autistic children and young people living in Reading.

Click here to view and download the documents and for a link to the council’s online survey form.

  • If you have any questions about the draft autism strategy, would prefer to receive a printed version of the survey questionnaire, or would like to have additional support to complete it, email wellbeing.service@reading.gov.uk or call 07811 026070.