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Workshops help autistic adults and their parents & carers

The Berkshire Adult Autism Support Service is running a series of free evening autism advice workshops for autistic adults, along with new workshops tailored for their parents and family carers.

The aim of these sessions is to help autistic participants to increase their understanding of aspects of autism and increase their confidence navigating daily life and social situations and to help parents and carers to understand and support their relatives.

Please note that you must be registered as a patient with a GP surgery in Berkshire to take part in these workshops.

The workshops for autistic adults will take place on Tuesdays in May, between 6pm and 8pm, while those for parents and family carers will take place on Tuesdays in June, between 11am and 1pm, as follows

Workshops for autistic adults:

  • May 9: Sensory Differences
  • May 16: Planning & Organising
  • May 23: Anxiety & Autism
  • May 30: Understanding Other People

Workshops for parents & carers of autistic adults:

  • June 6: Sensory Differences
  • June 13: Planning & Organising
  • June 20: Anxiety & Autism
  • June 27: Understanding Other People

Autism Berkshire’s chief executive officer, Jane Stanford-Beale, said: “A trial run of the workshops before Easter proved popular with autistic adults.

“However, some said they were unable to attend due to work or studying commitments during the daytime, so we hope that they will be able to benefit from the evening sessions in May.

“And parents and carers of adults also got in touch, asking if they could take part, as advice available for them was much more limited in the past. As a result, we are providing specially-adapted versions of the workshops in June, to help them understand challenges affecting their autistic relatives and how best to support them.”

Click here for information about the content of the workshops for autistic adults.

Click here for information about the content of the workshops for the parents and family carers of autistic adults.

  • Free places can be requested by contacting the Berkshire Adult Autism Support Service by emailing or calling 01189 594 594 and leaving a voicemail message.