The Berkshire Adult Autism Support Service is launching a new online social group for the mothers of autistic adults next month.
It will complement the service’s existing online groups for autistic women, and for autistic young adults aged under 30, with all three holding their meetings on Thursdays. They are open to people who are registered as patients at NHS GP surgeries in Berkshire.
These free online groups – using Zoom – offer opportunities to meet up with our senior adult support mentor Michelle Errington and other young autistic adults, autistic women, or mothers of autistic adults, in a friendly and supportive setting to chat, share issues and ideas and get advice in a relaxed atmosphere.
Those taking part in the groups are encouraged to set the agenda and suggest topics to discuss.
The first meeting of the new group for mothers of autistic adults will take place on Thursday, August 31, from 6pm to 8pm.
And details of meetings of the groups for autistic women and young adults from August until October are now available.
Click here for a full list of dates for the meetings of the Thursday social groups.
- To request places at any of these sessions, please email us at saying which ones you would like to attend or leave a voicemail message on 01189 594 594.
Please note that you are welcome to log on or leave at any time during a session, if you have other commitments, and you do not need to have your camera or microphone on – you can just listen and join in the discussion if you want to.