Online workshop: Autism & Teenagers

This workshop look at the challenges of being autistic in adolescence, including maturing behaviour and developing independence, as well as puberty and sexuality.

It is provided by the Berkshire West Autism & ADHD Support Service for the parents and carers of autistic children and young people aged 11 to 18 who live in the Berkshire West NHS area (Reading, Wokingham and West Berkshire) whether they have a diagnosis or are waiting for a Berkshire CAMHS assessment, and who are in mainstream education or home-educated and do not have learning disabilities.

For more information and to request free places, email or call 01189 594 594 (option 1) or complete the online contact form.

Problem-solving & advice meet-up for autistic adults and their parents/carers – Reading

This free session from the Berkshire Adult Autism Support Service offers an opportunity for autistic adults, and their parents and carers, to meet members of our team in an informal setting, to talk through problems and ask questions about autism and support services.

It will take place in the Atrium coffee shop at Greyfriars Church, in Friar Street, Reading.

Please register in advance, if possible, so we know who to expect – click here to book.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please email or call 01189 594 594 and leave a voicemail message with your contact details.

197 Club – Bowling in Wokingham

Social group for over-18s who have a diagnosis of an autism spectrum condition and their carers.

Meet in the reception area at Wokingham Super Bowl at 6.30pm.

For more details of the 197 Club and how to join, call us on 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email

Bear With Me adult social group – Maidenhead

Weekly social group for over-18s who have an autism diagnosis, and their carers, meeting at The Bear pub in Maidenhead town centre.

Click here for more details and information about how to join the group. If you have any questions, please call 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email us at

Online Workshop: Sensory Differences Part 1

This free autism advice workshop looks at sensory systems and how they work, how autistic people may process sensory information differently and have different sensory experiences, and strategies to help with sensory needs.

Please note that this free online workshop is in two parts. The second session will take place on Thursday, January 30, at the same time.

NB: This workshop is provided by the Berkshire West Autism & ADHD Support Service for parents/carers registered with a GP surgery in the Berkshire West NHS area (Reading, Wokingham, West Berkshire), whose children have an autism diagnosis, or are on the Berkshire CAMHS waiting list for assessment.

If you would like to register an interest in attending this workshop or have any questions, please complete our online contact form, email or call 01189 594 594 (option 1) and leave a voicemail message.

Bear With Me adult social group – Maidenhead

Weekly social group for over-18s who have an autism diagnosis, and their carers, meeting at The Bear pub in Maidenhead town centre.

Click here for more details and information about how to join the group. If you have any questions, please call 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email us at

Online Workshop: Sensory Differences Part 2

This free autism advice workshop looks at sensory systems and how they work, how autistic people may process sensory information differently and have different sensory experiences, and strategies to help with sensory needs.

Please note that this free online workshop is in two parts. The first session will take place on Thursday, January 23, at the same time.

NB: This workshop is provided by the Berkshire West Autism & ADHD Support Service for parents/carers registered with a GP surgery in the Berkshire West NHS area (Reading, Wokingham, West Berkshire), whose children have an autism diagnosis, or are on the Berkshire CAMHS waiting list for assessment.

If you would like to register an interest in attending this workshop or have any questions, please complete our online contact form, email or call 01189 594 594 (option 1) and leave a voicemail message.

Accessing healthcare consultation event for autistic adults – Slough

Thanks to a grant from the Frimley NHS Integrated Care System, Autism Berkshire is holding series of three engagement and consultation events for autistic adults living in East Berkshire.

The aim is to gain a greater understanding of how autistic adults use local health services, their experiences of contacts with community and hospital services and challenges that they face accessing healthcare, such as availability of reasonable adjustments.

The findings will be fed back to Frimley ICS and other local authorities to help with the development of autism-appropriate local services and of NHS long-term plans.

Light refreshments will be available.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please email or call 01189 594 594 (option 2) and leave a voicemail message with your contact details.

  • Further consultation events will take place in Maidenhead on Thursday, February 13, and in Bracknell on Thursday, February 27. See separate event listings for details.

Online workshop: Anxiety & Autistic Teenagers

This workshop considers why anxiety is so prevalent in autistic teenagers and the importance of self-esteem and resilience, and looks at strategies to support emotional regulation.

It is provided by the Berkshire West Autism & ADHD Support Service for the parents and carers of autistic children and young people aged 11 to 18 who live in the Berkshire West NHS area (Reading, Wokingham and West Berkshire) whether they have a diagnosis or are waiting for a Berkshire CAMHS assessment, and who are in mainstream education or home-educated and do not have learning disabilities.

For more information and to request free places, email or cal 01189 594 594 (option 1) or complete the online contact form.

Problem-solving & advice meet-up for autistic adults and their parents/carers – Reading

This free session from the Berkshire Adult Autism Support Service offers an opportunity for autistic adults, and their parents and carers, to meet members of our team in an informal setting, to talk through problems and ask questions about autism and support services.

It will take place in the Atrium coffee shop at Greyfriars Church, in Friar Street, Reading.

Please register in advance, if possible, so we know who to expect – click here to book.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please email or call 01189 594 594 and leave a voicemail message with your contact details.

197 Club – meet, eat and chat at the Outlook

Social group for over-18s who have a diagnosis of an autism spectrum condition and their carers, meets fortnightly. Every other meeting takes place at The Outlook pub.

Venues for other meetings vary and can include bowling arcades, restaurants or walks. Click here for details.

For more information about the group, contact the office on 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email the group co-ordinator, Kevin Jackson, at

Bear With Me adult social group – Maidenhead

Weekly social group for over-18s who have an autism diagnosis, and their carers, meeting at The Bear pub in Maidenhead town centre.

Click here for more details and information about how to join the group. If you have any questions, please call 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email us at

Online workshop: Eating & Mealtime Challenges in Autistic Children

Problems eating a wide range of foods are common in autistic people. This free online workshop will take a look at factors underlying food refusal, some tips to help support children and young people and where to get specialist advice and support.

NB: This workshop is provided by the Berkshire West Autism & ADHD Support Service for parents/carers registered with a GP surgery in the Berkshire West NHS area (Reading, Wokingham, West Berkshire) whose children have an autism diagnosis, or are on the waiting list for a Berkshire CAMHS assessment.

If you would like to register an interest in attending this workshop or have any questions, please complete our online contact form, email or call 01189 594 594 (option 1) and leave a voicemail message.

Bear With Me adult social group – Maidenhead

Weekly social group for over-18s who have an autism diagnosis, and their carers, meeting at The Bear pub in Maidenhead town centre.

Click here for more details and information about how to join the group. If you have any questions, please call 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email us at

Accessing healthcare consultation event for autistic adults – Maidenhead

Thanks to a grant from the Frimley NHS Integrated Care System, Autism Berkshire is holding series of three engagement and consultation events for autistic adults living in East Berkshire.

The aim is to gain a greater understanding of how autistic adults use local health services, their experiences of contacts with community and hospital services and challenges that they face accessing healthcare, such as availability of reasonable adjustments.

The findings will be fed back to Frimley ICS and other local authorities to help with the development of autism-appropriate local services and of NHS long-term plans.

Light refreshments will be available.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please email or call 01189 594 594 (option 2) and leave a voicemail message with your contact details.

  • Consultation events will also take place in Slough on Thursday, January 30, and in Bracknell on Thursday, February 27. See separate event listings for details.

Problem-solving & advice meet-up for autistic adults and their parents/carers – Reading

This free session from the Berkshire Adult Autism Support Service offers an opportunity for autistic adults, and their parents and carers, to meet members of our team in an informal setting, to talk through problems and ask questions about autism and support services.

It will take place in the Atrium coffee shop at Greyfriars Church, in Friar Street, Reading.

Please register in advance, if possible, so we know who to expect – click here to book.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please email or call 01189 594 594 and leave a voicemail message with your contact details.

197 Club – Meal at Bluegrass BBQ restaurant

Meal at the Bluegrass BBQ at 15 Gun Street in Reading town centre. Meet in the bar area at the restaurant at 6.30pm.

The 197 Club is a social group for over-18s who have a diagnosis of an autism spectrum condition and their carers.

For more details, contact us on 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email

Bear With Me adult social group – Maidenhead

Weekly social group for over-18s who have an autism diagnosis, and their carers, meeting at The Bear pub in Maidenhead town centre.

Click here for more details and information about how to join the group. If you have any questions, please call 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email us at

Bear With Me adult social group – Maidenhead

Weekly social group for over-18s who have an autism diagnosis, and their carers, meeting at The Bear pub in Maidenhead town centre.

Click here for more details and information about how to join the group. If you have any questions, please call 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email us at

Online Workshop: Supporting Behaviour Part 1

This free autism advice workshop looks at distressed behaviour and meltdowns in children with autism, how to respond and how to help children to understand and communicate their feelings.

Please note that this online workshop is in two parts. The second session is on Thursday, March 6, at the same time.

The workshop is provided by the Berkshire West Autism & ADHD Support Service for parents/carers registered with a GP surgery in the Berkshire West NHS area (Reading, Wokingham, West Berkshire).

NB: If you would like to attend this workshop or have any questions, please complete our online contact form, email or call 01189 594 594 (option 1) and leave a voicemail message.

Accessing healthcare consultation event for autistic adults – Bracknell

Thanks to a grant from the Frimley NHS Integrated Care System, Autism Berkshire is holding series of three engagement and consultation events for autistic adults living in East Berkshire.

The aim is to gain a greater understanding of how autistic adults use local health services, their experiences of contacts with community and hospital services and challenges that they face accessing healthcare, such as availability of reasonable adjustments.

The findings will be fed back to Frimley ICS and other local authorities to help with the development of autism-appropriate local services and of NHS long-term plans.

Light refreshments will be available.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please email or call 01189 594 594 (option 2) and leave a voicemail message with your contact details.

  • Consultation events will also take place in Slough on Thursday, January 30, and in Maidenhead on Thursday, February 13. See separate event listings for details.

Online workshop: Teenagers & Social Situations

This workshop focuses on the social situations autistic teenagers face at school, at home and online. It discusses how to support them to develop an understanding of other people, how to find and make friends, and the part that social media plays in their lives.

It is provided by the Berkshire West Autism & ADHD Support Service for the parents and carers of autistic children and young people aged 11 to 18 who live in the Berkshire West NHS area (Reading, Wokingham and West Berkshire) whether they have a diagnosis or are waiting for a Berkshire CAMHS assessment, and who are in mainstream education or home-educated and do not have learning disabilities.

For more information and to request free places, email or call 01189 594 594 (option 1) or complete the online contact form.

Problem-solving & advice meet-up for autistic adults and their parents/carers – Reading

This free session from the Berkshire Adult Autism Support Service offers an opportunity for autistic adults, and their parents and carers, to meet members of our team in an informal setting, to talk through problems and ask questions about autism and support services.

It will take place in the Atrium coffee shop at Greyfriars Church, in Friar Street, Reading.

Please register in advance, if possible, so we know who to expect – click here to book.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please email or call 01189 594 594 and leave a voicemail message with your contact details.

197 Club – meet, eat and chat at the Outlook

Social group for over-18s who have a diagnosis of an autism spectrum condition and their carers, meets fortnightly. Every other meeting takes place at The Outlook pub.

Venues for other meetings vary and can include bowling arcades, restaurants or walks. Click here for details.

For more information about the group, contact the office on 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email the group co-ordinator, Kevin Jackson, at

Bear With Me adult social group – Maidenhead

Weekly social group for over-18s who have an autism diagnosis, and their carers, meeting at The Bear pub in Maidenhead town centre.

Click here for more details and information about how to join the group. If you have any questions, please call 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email us at

Online Workshop: Supporting Behaviour Part 2

This free autism advice workshop looks at distressed behaviour and meltdowns in children with autism, how to respond and how to help children to understand and communicate their feelings.

Please note that this online workshop is in two parts. The first session is on Thursday, February 27, at the same time.

The workshop is provided by the Berkshire West Autism & ADHD Support Service for parents/carers registered with a GP surgery in the Berkshire West NHS area (Reading, Wokingham, West Berkshire).

NB: If you would like to attend this workshop or have any questions, please complete our online contact form, email or call 01189 594 594 (option 1) and leave a voicemail message.

Bear With Me adult social group – Maidenhead

Weekly social group for over-18s who have an autism diagnosis, and their carers, meeting at The Bear pub in Maidenhead town centre.

Click here for more details and information about how to join the group. If you have any questions, please call 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email us at

Online workshop: Autism & Mainstream Secondary Schools

Many autistic teenagers find the mainstream school environment challenging. The workshop looks at the legislation around support at school and the opportunities and limitations of potential support strategies. Parents and carers will be encouraged to share ideas that have helped their child and may help others in similar circumstances.

It is provided by the Berkshire West Autism & ADHD Support Service for the parents and carers of autistic children and young people aged 11 to 18 who live in the Berkshire West NHS area (Reading, Wokingham and West Berkshire) whether they have a diagnosis or are waiting for a Berkshire CAMHS assessment, and who are in mainstream education or home-educated and do not have learning disabilities.

For more information and to request free places, email or complete the online contact form.

Problem-solving & advice meet-up for autistic adults and their parents/carers – Reading

This free session from the Berkshire Adult Autism Support Service offers an opportunity for autistic adults, and their parents and carers, to meet members of our team in an informal setting, to talk through problems and ask questions about autism and support services.

It will take place in the Atrium coffee shop at Greyfriars Church, in Friar Street, Reading.

Please register in advance, if possible, so we know who to expect – click here to book.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please email or call 01189 594 594 and leave a voicemail message with your contact details.

197 Club – Bowling in Wokingham

Social group for over-18s who have a diagnosis of an autism spectrum condition and their carers.

Meet in the reception area at Wokingham Super Bowl at 6.30pm.

For more details of the 197 Club and how to join, call us on 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email

Bear With Me adult social group – Maidenhead

Weekly social group for over-18s who have an autism diagnosis, and their carers, meeting at The Bear pub in Maidenhead town centre.

Click here for more details and information about how to join the group. If you have any questions, please call 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email us at

Online Workshop: Emotional Regulation in Autistic Children

This free autism advice workshop provides advice and ideas to parents and carers to teach strategies to help children and young people who are autistic to manage their emotions, including using visual supports such as The Incredible 5 Point Scale and Comic Strip Conversations.

NB: This workshop is provided by the Berkshire West Autism & ADHD Support Service for parents/carers registered with a GP surgery in the Berkshire West NHS area (Reading, Wokingham, West Berkshire).

If you would like to register an interest in attending this workshop or have any questions, please complete our online contact form, email or call 01189 594 594 (option 1) and leave a voicemail message.

Bear With Me adult social group – Maidenhead

Weekly social group for over-18s who have an autism diagnosis, and their carers, meeting at The Bear pub in Maidenhead town centre.

Click here for more details and information about how to join the group. If you have any questions, please call 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email us at

Online workshop: Mental Health and Social Struggles of Autistic Teenagers

This workshop will be led by Sarah O’Brien, the author of So I’m Autistic: An Introduction to Autism for Young Adults and Late Teens and an engagement and co-production specialist. She was diagnosed autistic at the age of 18. In this workshop she considers the challenges of adolescence and the impact that this has on young people’s mental health.

It is provided by the Berkshire West Autism & ADHD Support Service for the parents and carers of autistic children and young people aged 11 to 18 who live in the Berkshire West NHS area (Reading, Wokingham and West Berkshire) whether they have a diagnosis or are waiting for a Berkshire CAMHS assessment, and who are in mainstream education or home-educated and do not have learning disabilities.

For more information and to request free places, email or call 01189 594 594 (option 1) or complete the online contact form.

Bear With Me adult social group – Maidenhead

Weekly social group for over-18s who have an autism diagnosis, and their carers, meeting at The Bear pub in Maidenhead town centre.

Click here for more details and information about how to join the group. If you have any questions, please call 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email us at

197 Club – meet, eat and chat at the Outlook

Social group for over-18s who have a diagnosis of an autism spectrum condition and their carers, meets fortnightly. Every other meeting takes place at The Outlook pub.

Venues for other meetings vary and can include bowling arcades, restaurants or walks. Click here for details.

For more information about the group, contact the office on 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email the group co-ordinator, Kevin Jackson, at

Bear With Me adult social group – Maidenhead

Weekly social group for over-18s who have an autism diagnosis, and their carers, meeting at The Bear pub in Maidenhead town centre.

Click here for more details and information about how to join the group. If you have any questions, please call 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email us at

Bear With Me adult social group – Maidenhead

Weekly social group for over-18s who have an autism diagnosis, and their carers, meeting at The Bear pub in Maidenhead town centre.

Click here for more details and information about how to join the group. If you have any questions, please call 01189 594 594 (option 2) or email us at