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Online workshop for autistic adults: Sensory Differences - Tuesday, 11th February, 2025 - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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thoughts on “Adults

  1. In memory of Matthew Wells, with Love from his Grandma Lawrie, hopefully to be used for a trip out for the Bear Group.

  2. I was reading the slough express and came across the Louise Baylis Trust story and receiving a £500 grant to keep the vital benefits service running. I felt it was important to make a donation at such time of need for many families with Autistic children.

  3. My daughter got her autism diagnosis in March and Autism Berkshire have been a fantastic support. Thank you for everything you do! 🙂

  4. We’ve kindly been given use of the Thames Valley Adventure Playground this summer and making a donation accordingly. Thank you!

  5. As part of the Teen Life Programme I am paying £20 for my Teen Life Programme Workbook. Many thanks for your support so far.
    Helen Lacey

  6. My son has recently been diagnosed with autism at the age of 10 years old, he has always had difficulties within social interactions and various changes which in affect has impacted his low moods and anxieties , I feel I would love to support him in every way possible with various difficulties and transitions he will face in life as well as celebrate his amazing strengths and interests which are to be to be encouraged.

  7. Thank you so much for the Teen Life course. It was informative, thought provoking and great to meet some other parents of autistic teens!

  8. In memory of my parents Jane and Stan Keiller.
    Loving and caring Great Grandparents to my 7 Grandchildren especially Jenson, Cassius and Cooper who have autism 🌈

  9. Very much enjoying the parenting courses I am undertaking with Autism Berkshire, wanted to contribute to book received.

  10. When I needed support with my child, you were there for me! I have also attended training with you. This made such a difference to the out look of each day and how to change things for the better for my whole family.

  11. We have received great advice from Mr. Kevin Johnson regarding my son’s work dismissal. He has now been reinstated back to his work.

  12. Kevin help my son win the courts case involving appeal for PIP. His work is very rewarding for the kids in needs. With the award we will be able to fund my sons private English lessons which is great and help him towards his academic achievements. It is my pleasure to contribute towards fantastic work of this charity. Thanks Kevin for your generous assistance. Kind regards Nada Perfetto

  13. It really helped to have a detailed conversation with the Family Support Team. The level of support and information given is remarkable. My child is waiting for an autism diagnosis, and I can speak for all the parents who are in a limbo state like me, getting the right support for parents is as much essential as getting the right support for the child.

  14. Hi
    I have Autistic Child and I know how hard it us to lookafter so I feel that should support you to run your organisation and I may also get benefit by joining in family fun day and trampoline sessions.

  15. Ella Walsh will always be loved, never forgotten and is now at peace with the world.

    Please continue your good work to help others.

  16. My son Matthew Wells died, he used to go to the bear group, now I just wanted to let you know that Matts cousin is getting married today and he and is new wife asked people to donate to autismberkshire instead fo giving presents, they didn’t put anything about Matt on their invites, but it is for him. My nephew is called Tom Young and Cheeka Ayers is is bride. So if you get donations mentioning Tom and Cheeka – that’s why, and it would be great if some (or all) the money went to the Bear Group if it’s still running. I hope that there was a few donations in memory of Matt when he died, (30.03.20) it would be good to know that something good came out of such a horrid time. Thank you. Jill

  17. Hello, I am joining for my teenager autistic son, diagnosed at the age of 7. Looking to help him with local support services available.

  18. I wish to renew my membership that expired in 2018.
    I am autistic with mild learning difficulties and find it difficult to socialise and find friends.
    The PHAB daycentre closed and now I feel isolated with no one to talk to except my P.A and family.

  19. I have only been to the first session of a teen life course run by Autism Berkshire but already feel like you have helped me so much, thank you!

  20. I am two weeks into the teen life course with Autism Berkshire and I am so grateful for all the advise and support I am receiving. Thank you so much!

  21. My son is 9 years old and was diagnosed with autism just before his 4th birthday. I was a member of Autism Berkshire for a while but I let my membership lapse. I would like to join again so I can access help. There are a few habits of his which are becoming hard to deal with and I would like some advice.

  22. My daughter was diagnosed with ASD at the age of 26. Sadly the trauma’s she suffered in life meant that by the time she was diagnosed there was not the funding available to give her the support and duty of care needed to embrace her condition for its undoubted positive aspects. My friends and I cancelled our golf trip costing £276 after the sad loss of my daughter and we have decided to contribute the cost towards Berkshire Autism, in the hope that funding can increase so that any repetition of my daughters trauma in others can start to reduce.

  23. My son has autism and complex communication needs: I’ve used your website many times, I even called you for support in the past. I think it’s well past time that I support you back a little. Thank you for all that you do!

  24. At times I have felt so alone but Amanda and the team have always provided genuine helpful free advice, sessions and support. Thank you for supporting families like mine..

  25. We have a current DLA claim which has been in place. We have queries about the expiration date and next steps to renew.

  26. This is for the work book that came with the Teen Life course – thanks for the reminder, Jane! I’m not ticking any of the contact boxes because I’m already registered and receive emails. The course was really great, thank you so much for running it.

  27. Thank you to all volunteers for your incredible work.
    The workshops are incredibly useful !!
    It’s light and hope

  28. Every 6 months, Shine Books donates 10% of our sales for our children’s book, ‘Alice, an aardvark with autism’. Our hope for these books is to raise awareness, remove stigma and normalise conditions for children.

  29. It’s my 40th birthday later this month, so I am making individual donations of £40 to charities I have a personal connection with. Autism Berkshire has been brilliant in supporting our eldest son, Jacob, as well as us. Thank you for all you do for families like ours in the area.

  30. Please accept this donation on behalf of Shelley Howells. Shelley has an autistic son Jackson, who we are all very proud of. What a wonderful child with a wonderful heart, Shelley you’re amazing to XXX

  31. This service helped just when I thought I had no choice but give up. They gave me advice, support and most importantly hope! Thank you.

  32. I used t b a member, but let it expire bcos there ws nowt f adults; now i’v lkd at th website f th 1st time since covid, & there seems t b more, so i’m joining again

  33. We are already memberships, this is an annual donation to renew our membership please. We continue to receive your emails thank you.

  34. Our 3 year old son has just been diagnosed with autism, so I am looking for any ways to be able to help him and support him to be the best person he can be.

  35. I am currently providing a lot of support for my 18 year old grandson with a diagnosis of autism. he would like a job , and i am keen to help him create a satisfying adult life now that he is no longer in the education system. He will need help to get work.