Tag Archives: problem-solving

Autism Berkshire - Workshop Article Image

Free workshop with Cerebra offers advice on accessing public services

Autism Berkshire is delighted to be present another free workshop about accessing public services for parents and carers of children with disabilities, and professionals who support them, in conjunction with Cerebra, the charity for children with brain conditions, including autism. If you are struggling to secure support for a child with autism or a disability
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Autism Berkshire - Workshop Article Image

Problem-Solving Toolkit Workshop offering advice on accessing services still has free places available

If you are struggling to secure support for a child with autism or a disability from local authorities, schools or the NHS, there is still still to book places on our first Problem-Solving Toolkit Workshop course for parents, carers and professionals next week, run in conjunction with Cerebra, the charity for children with brain conditions, including autism.
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Autism Berkshire - Workshop Article Image

Problem-Solving Toolkit Workshop offers advice to parents and professionals on services and easing disputes

Autism Berkshire is delighted to offer a new Problem-Solving Toolkit Workshop course for parents, carers and professionals in conjunction with Cerebra, the charity for children with brain conditions, including autism. The workshop will: Consider commonly-occurring problems that parents face accessing services Recognise different types of dispute Identify and use the problem-solving approaches within the Toolkit. The first
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