Tag Archives: volunteers

Autism Berkshire - Training Article Image

Volunteering course opens opportunities with Autism Berkshire

Autism Berkshire is delighted to be able to offer a new free Volunteering Skills course to people who live in Reading, Wokingham and West Berkshire. The course will run online over six weekly sessions in February and March and will cover topics including understanding autism and support available locally; Autism Berkshire and our volunteer initiative;
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Volunteers needed to support Autism Awareness Week fundraising collections

Autism Berkshire is finalising details of our activities for Autism Awareness Week 2018 at the end of March and is looking for volunteers to help with two fundraising collections. We will be carrying out a collection and raising awareness about autism at The Oracle shopping centre in Reading on Thursday, March 22, from noon to 4pm. We
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Volunteers needed to support our Autism Hour event at the Oracle Centre in Reading

Autism Berkshire is teaming up with the Oracle Centre in Reading to support the National Autistic Society’s Autism Hour campaign next month and we need volunteers to help at the event. The campaign, during the week starting October 2, aims to encourage shops and businesses to take simple steps to create a more autism-friendly world.  Autism
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Helping hands and tombola prizes needed for our stall at first Bracknell Rocks Autism fun day

Autism Berkshire will have a fundraising and information stall at the Bracknell Rocks Autism fun day next week and we are looking for volunteers to staff the stall and donations of prizes for our tombola. The event is at the Bracknell Town football ground, in Larges Lane, on Saturday, June 24, from 1pm until late,
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Autism Berkshire - Info Article Image

Volunteers needed to help improve services in Berkshire for people with autism and learning difficulties

The Berkshire Transforming Care Partnership wants carers and family members of people who use its autism and learning disabilities services to help improve provision across the county. The partnership plans to appoint new volunteer members to each of its projects groups working on health and social care provision from the NHS and councils, which look
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Autism Berkshire - Youthclub Article Image

Popular youth groups need more volunteer helpers

High numbers of children attending Autism Berkshire’s range of youth groups around the county mean we need more volunteers to work alongside the group leaders. We launched new youth groups for children with autism and their siblings in Bracknell, Slough, Windsor and Wokingham earlier this year, to build on the popularity of our long-established Games
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